Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Warp tour tips

Many people ask what is up with warp tour as its their first time. Below is updates tips n hints for warp tour. I want to thank Will who helped me out with stuff I missed.

Warp tour starts at 11 AM. Depending on how far away you live from the WHOLE day event I would say to head out atleast 2-4 hours before the gates open up at 11. For warp tour 08 in chicago I left at around 8 and got to tinley park for warp tour at about 9:30. Me and friends were somewhat far in the line to get in. Had to wait about an hour before getting in.

If your spending the day at warp I advise you to stick with water. Lemonade (their gay stands), beer, soda, or any kind of energy drink may slow you down and possibly make you sick. Plus they cost more then water.



I can not stress this enough about warp tour.... It will be hot as hell if its not raining and because of that you will be thirsty and hungry the whole time.

Bottles of water: Water is the best thing to drink at warp. Cost 4 dollars a bottle (not that big of a bottle). I brought 60 dollars to warp and must of spent about 20 dollars or more on water alone.

Band Merchandise: Shirts usually go around 20-30 dollars. You have your stands with glasses n other trinkets. Cd's cost around 10 dollars and if your lucky you can make it to your favorite bands signing. Patches n stickers can go from a dollar to 10 bucks.

Food & Beer: I went the whole day without food (ended up with a weird sore mouth at the end of the day) because the food prices were simply to much. If you can handle not eating so be it just don't blame me for your hungerness. Fore example a small hotdog PLAIN usually cost around 5 dollars. This includes no drinks or fries. Beer cost around 6 dollars a bottle.

Best amount of $ to bring: You want to make warp tour the best day ever. bring a a lot of money even if you don't spend it all, better safe then sorry.. I would say around 100 dollars is pretty good if you intend on maybe getting a cd or a 20 dollar shirt and spending the rest on water or w/e. If your rich or have the money at the time bring about 200+ dollars.

You don't want to buy out each merch tent. That would mean you have to lug everything around the whole day. This you don't want


Well its quiet simple here. Bring lite and breezy clothes. It will be hot or rainy either way you must come fit for the day. I'm going to be wearing a light shirt and shorts more then likely for 08....

For shoes make sure your not wearing your most expensive and prettyful (yes i said prettyful) pair of shoes. It will get stepped on and dirty. Flip flops and sandals are a BIG NO NO. Wear your shoes tightly but not to tight. If your crowd surfing or your shoe just so happens to slip off say bye bye to it. Someone will throw it across the crowd and your not getting it back.


People wonder if they are to old, young, tall, short, or weak. Well all that doesn't matter. What matters is if your going to be in the middle of the crowds having fun or sitting on the side taking worthless boring pictures.

I saw a 10 year old kid do fine in an all time low and human abstract crowd. But this kid knew what he was doing i'm guessing. Being in the crowds it gets hot and sweaty. Some people need to be crowd surfed out because they can't handle it.

Any age or body structure can survive warp. Just be ready for the heat and touching bodies. This may cause you to get sick and possibly pass out. That is why you follow my other tips about drinking water and keeping cool

||Free Stuff||

There are free tosses n stuff. The ones that I have been told about are the energy drink tosses. Monster and lost have their truck their usually by the skate ramp (not the same in all states).
Just remember if there are big give aways don't strip a 10 year old for the item. If you don't get what you want then oh well. Deal with it.

||Mosh pits||

Yes warp tour does contain pits for many bands. Remember if your not ready for the pit then it's okay. But sometimes you have to just go for it and go in. Have fun though. I think when going to a concert just standing their and talking is boring. Get into it as much as you want. If you have issues with dirt then this is a problem. At the pits in warp since it is outside there will be dirt thrown up in the air n stuff. So be ready to get down and dirty. Refer to the moshing tips and how to section to the left.

||Bringing stuff||

A Simple list of stuff you should keep in mind when going to warp tour


*Bring baby wipes of some sort. (the porta pottys run out of TP.)

*Bring a good jug of water. People say only 2 liters is allowed. My friend brought a gallon of water and got in. Remember to hide an extra cap in your bag or sock because they throw out your cap at the entrance of warp

*Cellphone (BE VERY CAREFUL here. Things will get stolen if you just hang your phone off your pants.)

*Take a Kodak one time use camera. Taking your digi cam may cause it to get broken in the crowds. Remember "Professional" cameras are not allowed.

*Some money (around 100-150 dollars)


Update most of the tips! goodluck people.


Anonymous said...


i'm only gunna buy like a warped tour tshirt, a few posters & like food..

how much wuld i need for that do you think?

Anonymous said...

This is gonna be my first year.
What time would you think would be best time to beat the crowds to get in?

Anonymous said...

Hi to both of you,

T-Shirts usually run from 10 - 20 dollars

Posters most likely not to much 5 bux maybe I'm not to sure

so I'd say being about 60+

when i went we left at about 9:30 or so

gates open at 11

depending on how close you are of course (i was over an hour away from it)

if you're in the same town try to leave before 9:30 maybe a bit earlier

i have heard of people sleeping in the parking lot to get in

plus there's usually a few gates and it isn't to hard to get in they just scan your ticket and you're in!

there's a row for people with bags and people that don't keep that in mind also

Have a great time and be safe!

if you have anything else you want to know just ask


Anonymous said...

Hey, first time going to Warped.
You said gates open at 11.
On my ticket (and on ticketmaster) it says 12PM. So does that mean that the bands start at 12 or the gates open at 12?
Any idea?

thanks =]

Anonymous said...

Well, mine was 11 might be different this year, i may not be going this year so i couldn't tell you, you could always call them and ask to be sure, If it is leave at 10:30 or so.

Just use good judgment calculate how long it would be to drive normaly and add the fact that theres 1000's of people going that day.

for me the only bad part was getting in the parking lot once i got out of the car i was through the gates in a breeze.

Hope you have fun!


Anonymous said...

You can bring cameras in as long as they're not "professional" with detachable lenses and whatnot.(:

Anonymous said...

Well i was told you can't, maybe the rules changed a bit, thanks for telling us


Anonymous said...

What kind of bag is okay to bring?

Anonymous said...

i brought this

its just a small sidepack

don't try to hide anything in them, they check them


Anonymous said...

What if you want to bring a professional camera...say the Nikon D40? Would they take that too?

Anonymous said...

Yes they would, plus even IF you got it in where would you use it? can't get in the crowd might break it, I'm not 100% sure but i think they sell press passes witch will allow you to bring in professional cameras and such, Give them a call and ask if you really want to bring it.


Anonymous said...

yea this has helped me....


but im gunna call the venue one day this week to find out if i can bring my digi camera. I just bought one like a week ago mainly for warped! (well not exactly)

also, if i bring like an empty backpack (like a school version), with all of the idems you said would be good to take, will they let me in?

Anonymous said...

us as to whether or not the venues get sold out?

Anonymous said...

I'm not to sure on backpacks, there may be a size limit. but throughout the day it may be a hassle so it might be better to bring something smaller, you don't need tons of stuff, just water,sunscreen,money,and some wetwipes/toilet paper, and just eat before you go and eat some small stuff from there


Anonymous said...

wow will i like how much you are helping out here. I will be adding more the the blog soon

Anonymous said...

how much do warped tickets cost?